Adult Diagnostic Audiology


Video-otoscopy allows the visualisation and examination of the ear canal and ear drum.


Tympanometry tests the middle ear function and the movement of the ear drum known medically as the tympanic membrane. It is an objective test. The test measures your ear’s response to both sound and pressure. The results are recorded on a graph called a “tympanogram.” It allows the detection of middle ear fluid, abnormal air pressure/eustachian tube dysfunction, problems with the ossicular bones in the middle ear and perforation of the ear drum.


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Acoustic Reflexes

The acoustic reflex is the contraction of the stapedius muscle in the middle ear elicited by the presentation of an acoustically loud sound.
When either ear is presented with a loud sound, the stapedius muscles on both sides contract. Acoustic reflex results make a major contribution to differential diagnosis and should be part of every basic audiological evaluation. They can provide/confirm information about nerve function and the type (conductive, sensory, neural) and degree of hearing loss.

Pure-tone audiometry

The purpose of pure- tone audiometry is to establish the hearing sensitivity at various pitches for air conduction and bone conduction. The test can specify the air conduction and bone conduction loss and distinguish between abnormality in the middle ear and the inner ear.

Speech audiometry

Speech audiometry uses speech signals like words to assess a person’s ability to discriminate between words, hear and recall words. Speech audiometry provides information regarding the impact that the hearing loss has on audibility and clarity in quiet and in noise.

Hearing Test for Children - Little Boy Doing a Audiometry Test

Paediatric Diagnostic Audiology

Performance and Play Audiometry

Performance and Play Audiometry establish the hearing sensitivity at various pitches for air and bone conduction using sound field speakers and headphones. Your child responds by play to test tones.

Suitable from: 2.5 years+


Tympanometry tests the middle ear function and the movement of the ear drum known medically as the tympanic membrane. It is an objective test. The test measures your ear’s response to both sound and pressure. The results are recorded on a graph called a “tympanogram.” It allows the detection of middle ear fluid, abnormal air pressure/eustachian tube dysfunction, problems with the ossicular bones in the middle ear and perforation of the ear drum.

Suitable from: Birth

Oto-acoustic Emissions

Oto-acoustic Emissions (OAE) Testing: A soft tip is inserted into the ear, a clicking or tone sound is played and the sound that comes back like an echo is measured. It is used to assess the outer hair cell function in the cochlea (inner ear). The presence of OAE’s let us know that the cochlea is functioning well and it rules out anything worse than a mild cochlear hearing loss. This is an objective automatic test with no behavioural response required.

Suitable from: Birth

Speech Discrimination Testing

This test assesses your child’s ability to hear speech. The child is asked to repeat back the words they hear or to point to a toy or picture they hear. Speech discrimination is also useful in confirming the results obtained during the hearing assessment.

Suitable from: 2.5 years+

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